Opening hours: Monday - Friday, 8.30am - 5.30pm

Appointments: 020 8962 0635,

Menopause Clinic

Providing women with optimal care, up to date advice and guidance through their perimenopause and menopause remains one of our top priorities at The Portobello Clinic. We feel women have too often been presented with confusing and at times, misleading information about HRT. Negotiating mixed messages from the media, GPs and specialists without access to optimal help and support can cause confusion and uncertainty.

Our doctors continue to provide up to date, personalised menopause care. As GPs we are uniquely placed to offer patients clear guidance about the safest forms of bio-identical HRT for symptom management, in the context of personal and family health history. We have a strong focus on individualised care, recognising that symptoms affect women variably and at different stages of their menstrual life. We respect that all women have their own priorities and beliefs and we aim to tailor our advice in respect of these. We also offer advice about additional hormones, such as testosterone, alternative medical and supplementary options, all with the aim of delivering bespoke, effective and safe care. With our specialist colleagues, we also support women who have underlying health issues that make the provision of HRT more challenging.

Specialist “Well-Woman” appointments are available and include a detailed assessment of symptoms, relevant examination and a full discussion of symptom management, including the pros and cons of HRT. We offer support and guidance on the psychological and broader health impacts of menopause, such as anxiety and weight management which can challenge many women in peri-menopause and menopause. We will also focus on health promotion and screening.

If indicated, the following will be included:

  • Referral for mammography
  • Referral for pelvic ultrasound
  • Referral for bone density scanning
  • Additional blood and other laboratory testing, such as checking hormone levels, also cervical screening (HPV testing) can be discussed and undertaken at the time of your appointment.

Whilst many women process menopause without difficulty, for some the impact is profound and can affect all aspects of their life. We believe it is every woman’s right to receive the best guidance and support through what can be a challenging time for many.